Sunday, 28 December 2008

Bishop to Brown's pawn 2

At long last someone prepared to stand up and be counted.

Much as I disagree with the majority of what religions are all about (witness what's occurring in the Middle East at present) they at least have the bottle to criticise the government's woeful attempts to resolve our economics problems.

I'm not sure they should be meddling in politics but they are right to describe the Labour party's policies as scandalous.

Zanu Labour then defend themselves by saying the Tories would reduce public spending resulting in the closure of schools and hospitals. Hmm, a few less of those ridiculous false townhall jobs monitoring what shouldn't need monitoring in the first place would save us the future tax rises in store.

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Brown's bungle

Having seen the news that Zavvi is going into administration Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling must be very pleased with themselves.

MFI, DFS, Woolworths, Zavvi, Whittards, The Officers Club to name but a few - they've all benefiited from Superman's efforts to save the world.

The 2.5% reduction in VAT has been just the ticket for these retailers. This must be the thin end of the wedge and but a small taste of the increasing success of the Brown rescue package.

They really must swallow their pride and think again before it's too late.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Brown has new scapegoat

What a stroke of luck.

After all these weeks blaming the Americans for starting it all here is proof positive that Gordon and Peter can spread all over the fawning press which adores him so.

Not only are their statements given more gravitas they also become more prophetic in the 'Moses' style as we now have a proper villain to blame.

Now there is no need to point the finger at a vague country 3,000 miles away. No. Now we have a specific target for all the woes of the British economy.

Quick, book advertising space. What's that? We already have? Oh

Monday, 15 December 2008

Europe and the non referendum

So Caroline Flint (and, therefore, our dearly beloved government) reckon the Irish didn't really understand the issues at stake when they voted in their referendum.

Hmmm. Three things spring immediately to mind:

1 - Patronising, to say the least.
2 - Whether they understood it or not, they voted, they decided and they should not have to submit to another
"Are you really sure dear" process.
3 - Let us see if we can understand it any better Ms Flint.

I rather think she wouldn't like the answer.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Germany v UK

So we don't agree with the German politicians who have a slightly stronger position from which to view the recession than we have after all the wasteful spending of the last 11 years.

Ed Balls patronisingly offers the opinion that it's 'all internal arguing dear. Once they've kissed and made up they'll cometo the conclusion that Super Gordo's in the right.

Jacqui Smith disagrees with them - well there we are then. In a nutshell. We're OK because her knowledge of economics is second to none in Europe, well Home Economics anyway.

They just seem incapable of accepting that maybe they're wrong. How dare anyone think otherwise.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Gordon Saves the World

So Gordon Brown finally admitted it today in front of the whole country...

The whole reason the country's going down the pan is that he's been too busy getting up in the middle of the night (without disturbing Sarah) putting his underpants on over his pyjamas and flying off to the far flung corners of the world to put his enormous intellect to use and save the planet.

Meanwhile, back at base, the rest of us mere mortals have to put up with liking it or lumping it.

Dave dares to criticise the superhero and is threatened with detention and 100 lines of "I must pay more attention in Economics lessons"

Anyone else wish we had a cadre of professional beaurocrat 'ENArchs' as they do in France - at least we'd have some faith in the system.

I can't help thinking of the words wool, eyes and pulled.